Nov 27, 2008


I have officially been here for 1 week! It seems like iv been here for more like three. The old volunteers say that the first week is the slowest and the others will fly by. I think im going to be bringing home a little boy named Carlos. He seriously is the cutest thing i have ever seen. Everytime I see him he smiles and runs into me. Im seriously loving him! Chasing around two year olds all day can be hard though. For Example.....

Me and Hilary took out about 11 kids to play outside on the playground outside the orphanage while we were out there Hilary had to take one of the kids inside. It was just me with ten little boogers. They were being fine just running in the field, playing in the dirt, climbing on the toys, and just being kids. Then one of the kids started biting so I was trying to control her. I then turned around to find about five kids that had climbed up the stairs uptop to a hill will a big drop. I ran up saying "ninos no no, tas tas!" I grabbed two kids and ran as fast as I could to the bottom and then back up to get two more. The little kids of course think its funny when you start chasing them, like its a game and start running faster laughing at you. I got a hold of two more little ninos and started to take them down the stairs only to realize that the two kids I had just brought down had climbed back up. Then all the other kids saw how much "fun" it was and decided to join in the hill climbing and running around. I chased the kids for what felt like an hour. I was completly out of breath and decided I never want to have quadtruplets+ when you get ten 2year olds all toghether its no bueno. I also was able to work in a few houses with orphanes that were specail needs children. They were so awesome and I loved being with them! We played games, did puzzels, colored, and went to the park.
Me and all of the volunteers went to church this last Sunday and of course it was in spanish so I could understand NOTHING! The ward was about the size of my gospel doctrine class in my ward at home. You could still feel the spirit though and it was a really cool experience. Im loving it here, its hard work but I love it!


FUNwithJCnDJ said...

That is awesome you sat all day in church and didn't understand anything! Ha! Just watch, you will start feeling like you are understanding stuff and all the sudden you will be coming home!

Julie said...

Yeah Heather!! I am so excited for you and completley proud. You are soooo amazing. Thank you for your service. This WILL change your life. Good luck!!! We love you sooooo much!

Katherine said...

They sound like most kids, not listening. sounds like some good experiences. We missed at Thanksgivng, but I know you are doing a good thing. Love you!!!

Goodrich said...

well all I can say is that this will surley get you ready for motherhood!! We miss you at the office!!! talk to you soon!! luv ya.